Reflections: The World Needs More Ted Lasso

Last year, 2020, was a horrible year for many. Even for those not sick or losing friends and family, lockdown life often impacted people negatively. One of the brightest spots of the year was an originally little-known streaming series on Apple TV+ called Ted Lasso.

Ted Lasso is a comedy based on an American football coach relocating to coach an English soccer team. One may be forgiven for thinking this is a show about sports - it isn't. Soccer is there but only as a plot device to allow character interaction. The complex characters that one often loves and hates at the same time make this a must-watch.

Watching Ted Lasso last year, IU laughed, I cried, and I loved all of the imperfect and beautiful characters. I convinced my wife to watch it again with me, even though she thought of it as a sports show. Both of us loved it. To me, this show was one of the highlights of 2020 and last year, the world needed more Ted Lasso.

This year, we got that wish fulfilled, and season 2 starts on Friday, July 23. To refresh ourselves, we are rewatching the original season. It's as heartwarming as I remember. And even on a third watch has made me laugh and cry and even, perhaps, made my heart grow just a little bigger.

Watch Ted Lasso here.